Posted by on Dec 20, 2015 | 14 comments


A holiday smile for you

No, I am NOT sending out eggnog to everyone who reads my blog, but I would if I could! Even I love eggnog (without the Jack Daniels, thank you) but mama isn’t a big sweet-eater and so we don’t make a lot of it around here.

I just thought some holiday photos would be nice to gaze upon, and when I heard about he store that had a tree lady in the window, I just had to put the photo in. So imaginative!  And they do it every year.  Mama wants to wear that skirt, but I think it would be a bit prickly…


As for the others, there are simple but very pretty lights on our street, and there was a Neapolitan chef who created an extraordinary Christmas tree outside of his little café, not to mention all the kitties in Largo Argentina who come up to the street from their ruins to get tidbits from passersby, and more scenes of the season.


A spaghetti tree created by the chef!


Looks like my friend, Fanny!



A cousin?



A fake kitty and doggy water bowls outside a pet shop


Morning in the Pantheon, mama’s favourite place in all of Rome (except next to papa and me)


Acrobats at the Pantheon do amazing things.


The same blue tree each year in the same window

So I hope you like these shot and feel a little bit more holiday cheer from seeing them! With or without the ‘nog…


Kissing olive penguins at a Rhode Island School of Design art show (mama made them kiss; they had their backs to each other)