Posted by on Aug 19, 2019 | 18 comments







I just have to get out in that darkness and make sure things are okay!

Well, we are going to have a week with highs in the 80s and I, for one, am pretty happy about this because it means summer is not giving way to fall YET and that we will have lovely, sweet evenings outdoors where I can peruse the neighbor’s yard for birdies and chickens and stray kitties trying to get into my NIP BED!

Life is exciting, no?  Plus I’m very  at home in the dark…

Right now, I really must go back out into this beautiful evening and make sure our little sun-powered blue light is shining and that all is prepared for the moon to rise.  One has to organize these things, right?








I’m pretty sure that my presence in the garden around now gives that old man moon a bit of inspiration to stay up in the sky a bit longer…