HEY, I was about to clean you up, Mr Cloud, and you disappeared my TAIL! You have to watch it around here, that’s for sure!
Well, mama is in shock over the very dangerous Rump government appointments, so I’m taking over while she tries to get herself together…:
1. I learned __how to find a forever home__ the hard way. But it paid off!!!
2. I am overdue for __a cloud-cleaning session. We all chip in here.
3. I used to __feel pretty bad with my illness but now I __feel only joyful.
4. Floating around__ is the strangest thing I __have ever experienced but such FUN!
Floating would be fun. I don’t talk politics online because it’s too easy to misunderstand when you cannot talk face to face, but I am becoming concerned with some things, I will admit that.
You are wise. Very wise. And mama feels a bit the same way and says that now she has to throw bad thoughts in the poubelle and concentrate on ‘cultivating her garden’….Candid phrase by Voltaire.
You sure do look like you enjoy floating, Loulou.
I LOVE TO FLOAT…it is so …well…freeing!
I hope you find your tail soon – it helps keep you upright as you fly around the clouds! It’s like a rudder on a boat! We think you did a very good job filling in the blanks this week too.
Huggies, Teddy
Merci, Mr T, and we love yours and mama’s and papa’s too! Maybe I’ll get papa to join in one time…
Good fill-ins LouLou. We feel good when you feel good !
Oh, boy, that makes us feel even better!
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I enjoyed your answers and I am glad you have no more pain . XO
Me, too, Ms E, me, too.
Always love seeing your pictures, Loulou, and reading the observations of you and your Mom!
Merci, Ms Leah and we love your thoughts and information, too.
Hmmmm, maybe our cloud stuff needs cleaned up too!
Brian’s Home
Donc, I could mosey over there and take a look while I have my cleaning materials out.
oh lou lou, he izza fillin dee clown car with felons, child molesters and other unhinged conspiracy theorists. dee mum izza skerd but trying not to think abowt it
tryin’no to tink abowt it is verry dificut fer mama and now yer mama. we mus hep eech other keep sane.