Posted by on Sep 14, 2014 | 3 comments


Can you imagine someone SLAPPING this cutie…

Oh, boy, is mama in a tizzy.  The other day she was walking along the sea walk where there is a little park that says, “Keep of the grass”, and lo and behold, a couple were out there with their Labrador puppy (where they shouldn’t have been in the first place) and mama saw the woman of the couple slapping the very playful puppy on his face with fairly strong slaps.  But to mama, any slap is a strong slap and maybe it’s okay to slap sharks on the nose if they are nosing too close, but in mama’s book, YOU DON’T SLAP YOUNG PUPPIES OR CHILDREN OR ANYONE, for that matter. I wonder if someday this puppy will recognize that hand and take a nice chunk out of it!  No, no, Loulou, don’t go there…but still…

What do puppies know anyway at that age.  They need tlc and teaching with firm kindness, not that I know anything about doggies, but mama says clear, kind instruction works best with all creatures.

Well, it was hard to keep mama cool and she told me, “Loulou, if that woman keeps slapping that puppy for one more second, she’s going to be chopped liver!”

And of course, fortunately (for the puppy AND the woman), the woman stopped, sort of laughing and giggling but I know for sure that mama had sent her the evil eye and she felt it.  She was only a few feet away, after all, and the puppy was on a leash but this dumbass lady had NO idea of how to train her new doggy with care and love instead of jerking him around in circles and slapping at him!!!

Well, mama was hot!  Thank heaven those people walked off just in time because I don’t even want to think about what might have happened.  And yes, okay, political correctness is still in the works everywhere and in this family, we are all aware that others’ business is their business and one should not interfere in others’ behaviour in public, but boy, if mama (or papa, for that matter) sees someone treating an animal like that or beating up on his kid or his companion, each of them just about goes through the roof.  Mama has thrown some pretty dirty looks at abusive parents, in grocery stores, say, or any public place where a parent is embarrassing the bejesus out of his kid in front of others, and that usually changes things, but then, who knows if the kid or animal is going to have it even worse at home?

Ah, well, I didn’t mean to ruin your day, but these things are important and neither mama nor papa would EVER slap this kitty even if she did something out of line, which, of course, she would NEVER do because she is a conscious kitty who cares about others and has such a loving nature that she even rubs all over the kitchen cabinets or anything else within range that she can rub on and boy, if mama saw anyone raising a hand to me…



…or THIS kitty?