Posted by on Feb 18, 2020 | 16 comments










Well, I’ve been thinkin’, and I think by now that  you think I’m a complete derelict (whatever that is) kitty who only wants to be indulged by having peace and quiet and the softest place in the house on which to snuggle up and snooze.

Not true.

I am NOT a derelict but instead, a dreamer.  BIG difference,  okay? Derelicts cause mayhem and madness while dreamers create magnificent solutions for the world’s problems.

Such as how to  get more sleep.

Anthros are always grumbling about how they don’t sleep well or  enough, but all they need to do is observe kitty behavior.

As in…

  1. Tell everyone around you that they had better be quiet and clear out of your comfort zone, haha, or ELSE!










2. Flop over with total abandon, tongue behind upper teeth, breathing, deep and regular, and ZONK FOR HOURS!










You will awaken with a clear mind, a healthy complexion and kindness in your heart toward all kitties.