Posted by on Apr 28, 2019 | 13 comments











 Yoga Expert

Well, mama has a friend who used to say, when seen conked out on the couch, “Oh, I’m doing my sleep yoga—don’t bother me.  HAH, that’s what I do all day long sometimes, especially when I don’t have a GARDEN in which to roam or warm stepping stones on which to lounge…

Here I am, TRAPPED three flights up (whatever that means) in an apartment, but I do have to say that the light and sun are nice and I could, if I wanted to, hang out in various sunny spots.

BUT…give me my little nest under the bed and I’m happy as donkey in dandelions!

Hey, they’re eating EVERYTHING!










I suppose I have to admit that there is strong evidence that those drops that mama sneaks between my ears actually function!  Maybe they are still functioning, hmmm?

So maybe travel isn’t all that bad after all.  Plus some of those tourists on the ship always come over to my little carrying case and ooh and ahh and say, “Oh, look, is that a kitty in there?” And mama says, “Yes, that’s Loulou and she’s the best traveling kitty in the world.”

Which is VERY questionable, but what gets me is that thing about “oh, is that a kitty” when they are looking right at me (I never talk and give anything away, haha) and I want to say, “NO, I’m a crazy pit bull and watch those fingers!”

Haha, people just love kitties in traveling apartments.  But I shared an elevator with a white poodle and he didn’t give me the time of day.

Maybe I’m losing my charm….oh, no!