Posted by on Sep 4, 2014 | 2 comments


No, this is not an interior tornado, but is looks like one!  All the electricity in the house went off suddenly, and papa went to see what was happening and opened mama’s painting studio and it was FILLED WITH BLACK SMOKE.  The electrical panel had not been checked properly.

I could smell it where I was snoozing on my chair and boy, it was NOT pleasant, not at all.

Then these guys came:



And now all of this has to be CLEANED up.  They’re looking at me and then looking at the broom and bucket so I am NOT sticking around for that, believe you me….

But some of mama’s paintings were smoked and when the firemen came, she said, “Well, maybe they look a little better with that shading.” (She thinks it will come off with a brush but I don’t know about that…maybe if I swish my tail over the surface…hmmm).

I don’t think they knew she was joking, but what the heck.  Firemen have to be serious, no?

All these nice people showed up and pretty soon the house was humming again.  It’s a good thing, too, because mama puts my food in the fridge and the fridge went OFF and you know what THAT could mean.

Okay, okay, it was only off for an hour so I’m getting dinner.  If not thinner, haha.

I think papa is cooking again tonight–oh, boy!  He did a humdinger salad for lunch for mama and him that was made out of baby lettuce, beautiful string beans from our vines, and leftover –guess what?–PORCINI RISOTTO.  And a chef is born!

Mama says she’s going to make extra risotto from now on so that she can put it in salads.

Ah, necessity IS the mother of invention.  Every kitty knows that…

Guess who slept through the whole shebang?


Mama says that all that sturm and drang (whatever that is) can be fixed with a tiny little glass of cold vodka….