Posted by on Jun 20, 2024 | 19 comments

I always have this shadowy companion for company..

Boy, is it nice to have THEM where they belong! But that other place is so close to their hearts and so much a part of their lives and the home of papa’s son and family that they love being there. Can’t say the same for GETTING there. It’s a 2-night, 3-day drive and tunnels abound but on a Sunday, at least ther are no trucks!

Mama is thankful for getting home safely and for the lovely time in Rome despite tourists wall to wall, and both are thankful for the sweet visits with the family and grandkids and a couple they see only when in Italy.

Maybe they’ll come visit us one day but in this yukky weather, it’s not such a great place to hang out! This June in southern France feels like the foggy June of Los Angeles long ago../

BUT, so thankful for kind messages and welcome-homes from our blogging friends and so thankful that the kitties with no house seem to have found places to sleep and thankful that neighbors feed them all the time. Summer is easy, but winter will not be fun for them.

Mama hopes to go down to our Mairie and kick a….uh…speak with someone about the kitty house being removed! We shall see….

More to come on this saga.


A summer tip for a light repas…

Wrap small pieces of smoked salmon around sweet, ripe melon balls. Secure with a toothpick and serve. A little fresh pepper is a nice touch, too.