Posted by on Aug 23, 2016 | 8 comments


YAY! Fish for dinner.



“Loulou, that is not YOUR fish, that’s OUR fish; your fish is in a packet and all chopped up nice with gravy and ready to eat.  You don’t want to have to remove all the bones, do you?  It took me finding a really nice waiter to teach me how to get the filets out of a bony fish, and you don’t have ANY bones in your pageot.”

Mama tells me that in English, that is a red sea bream, and it’s such a pretty fish, you sort of feel bad doing anything to it to change the color!  But the chef around here did and I have to say, it does look a bit tastier than in its birthday suit.

Fish are funny.  So many people grow up not eating fish, at least in the USA, but of course there are exceptions on both coasts because of the bounty of fish and shell fish, but in general, kids seem not to eat much fish unless given it at an early age.  Mama is tickled pink as a pageot when her little grandanthros ask for a filet of something or other, nicely grilled, and then devour the whole thing (bones removed).  Plus it’s so much healthier than red meats, but we have a little of that thrown in sometimes for The Man.

Mama says she could eat a whole brie or cheddar or any kind of cheese at all in place of meat, and does.  Mama eats cheese for dessert when everyone else is having chocolate mousse or ice cream or pies and cakes.  But a little cheese goes a long way…

Anyway, I don’t know how I got into all of this babbling, but that fish just looked so good I thought I’d do a little riff on it.

Even Mrs. Paul’s fish sticks can be  pretty good sometimes, if that’s all there is.

Just be sure to throw some onto MY plate!


Now these are more my size!!!


Can you find the fake one?  I hope so your your teeth are gonna know it!