Posted by on Jan 17, 2020 | 8 comments







Well, I thought I had a problem…

…with mama taking pics and oohing and ahhing over other doggies, such as this well-known cutie pie that mama and papa are not only visiting but (in mama’s case) giving TREATS to!

Mama foolishly put an extra one in her pants pocket and Mya jumped up on mama’s lap, pretending affection, and the next thing mama knew there was a NOSE in her pocket, and then off Mya went, haha.  Served mama right!










Who, me?  I’d never do that!

But NOW I get an email from mama with THESE GUYS IN IT!  Those weirdos with the long beards might just be a little appetizer, heh, heh…








…and these little fatties, my main course!  With béarnaise…?








Uh, oh, think I’ll skip dessert, haha.










But seriously, mama, are you actually thinking you can snuggle and huggle with THESE water babies?  Jeez, Louise, has it come to this?

But ha, ha, ha, it is pouring rain in Nice  – na na na na na na!