Posted by on Jul 31, 2023 | 18 comments

Well, I tried to find a title for today’s blog that would go with my spark, so that’s the reason behind the corny title, haha.

Action speaks louder than oh, woe is me, right? But sometimes actions are thwarted.

Still, I am being particularly active today to try and do something about some of the problems of the world. Sometimes there seems to be only one way for a kitty to search for and find solutions. 

Here I am, thinking and thinking about global warming, war, famine, poisoned oceans and seas, and more…

And the only thing I could come up with to stimulate my mind to find solutions was sleep yoga.

This space didn’t work either, so I found a more private spot in which to speculate on possible answers and achieve world peace.

I will keep you apprised of my continuing meditations on how to DO something instead of complaining…