Posted by on Jul 11, 2019 | 14 comments









Well, today, I’m not posting any energetic pics or saying much of anything scintillating really.  Just lying here and grooving as one might on a hot summer morn, but I’ll be back en forme soon.  I think I still have just a tad of wiped out, whatever that is!  My ears are still tailwarm, not hot the way they were, but tepid.

Still, mama and papa feel that way, too, and they didn’t eat a lizard’s tail or swallow something foreign…what’s their excuse?  Are their listening appendages hot, too?

Maybe just a tiny bit of anxiety about papa’s lumbar region…but it WILL get fixed.

Uh, oh, we don’t use that word around here, haha!

Off to speak…er…sleep, easy.