Well, today, I’m not posting any energetic pics or saying much of anything scintillating really. Just lying here and grooving as one might on a hot summer morn, but I’ll be back en forme soon. I think I still have just a tad of wiped out, whatever that is! My ears are still tailwarm, not hot the way they were, but tepid.
Still, mama and papa feel that way, too, and they didn’t eat a lizard’s tail or swallow something foreign…what’s their excuse? Are their listening appendages hot, too?
Maybe just a tiny bit of anxiety about papa’s lumbar region…but it WILL get fixed.
Uh, oh, we don’t use that word around here, haha!
Off to speak…er…sleep, easy.
I hope you and your papa feel better soon, Loulou. Have restful weekend.
We could use one, believe you me. Especially papa. Anyone with back info feel free to share it…
Sending good vibes for you AND your papa!! This hot weather is a bummer – stay cool and rest up and relish the attention! I’ve been a bit lazier than usual and it’s surely the heat. Supposed to rain here and get a bit less hot – hope same there since we could use some rain!!!
No rain here and mama is in heaven. She is threatening to wade in the sea!!!
Keep resting cutie. I hope your Dad feels better soon.
Well, my dad is still trying to figure out if he is going to have to be “fixed”…thank you for your concern.
Take your time, Loulou. Enjoy life as it it today but don’t overdo so you’ll be a bit stronger tomorrow.
Your poor papa. 🙁
I am so much better today. So, let’s see, about 4-5 days of not too well but now am really okay. I think.
We second Brian’s comment, and add more purrayers and POTP !
Thank you, Brian and Mary, and all of you so concerned about my health. I’m doing just fine now but mama is keeping a close watch, whatever that is.
It takes some time to recover and we sure hope you’re really all better super soon…and your Daddy too.
You are wise and I listen to you. Time heals…thanks for reminding me.
Take it easy, Loulou, it takes time to fully recover.
Spend more time on your papa’s lap.
Nous sommes nombreux sur ce blog à vous souhaiter de recouvrer la forme olympique… ou presque.
Merci, merci, Ralphe et Domino et tout le monde! I am so much better. I won’t get in to details, but my…er…ablutions are perfetto!