Posted by on Jan 12, 2017 | 14 comments


Well, you see what is all over our kitchen floor, right?  This is what happened:  mama washed a huge bag of spinach and put it in paper towels in another plastic bag and started to do her number, which is to swing it around in a circle, as she used to do in a pillow case and ooops….there was a BIG hole in the bottom of the bag that got bigger with centrifugal force and spinach flew all over the place.  Hey, these things happen when mama is tearing around her kitchen getting ready for dinner guests—and that doggy, MYA!!!

But I helped her clean up really fast and had a treat.  Which is why I can forgive her for taking a photo of THESE GUYS at the open market.


From what I heard, they came right over to mama and sniffed her hand and licked it (!) and were their charming bulldog selves, if that’s possible.

But then, that very night, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED:  That MYA came to visit and immediately DRANK  OUT OF MY WATER BOWL!  Good thing someone moved the food because from what I have heard about doggies, food left ANYWHERE is fair game!  She is awfully cute, but still…


Here, Mya’s papa is trying to get me to be a good hostess to my guest (bonne chance!).


Mama, do I HAVE to be nice to my guests?  Do I have to give Mya my kitty kibble?



OH, my cod, mama wants me to KISS HER!  No way, Jose, not after what she did to the…er…derriere of me.  I know, I know, she just wanted to treat me as she would any other doggy, but…


I can feel doggy-eyes upon me.  I have DONE my duty and now I’m going upstairs.  This has wiped me out.  But I do love a visitor every now and then.  I don’t really know what doggies ARE.


Papa said I was a good kitty, and good, good kitty.  Maybe next time I’ll share my String Game with Mya….

then we’ll see who’s who!!