Posted by on Apr 21, 2015 | 6 comments


Ready for pecorino

Yeah, well, I’m ‘falling back’ instead. There is no spring around these parts even if all mama’s roses are just about to burst open and surprise us all and I’ll be able to help in the garden with my fertilizer system, but I can’t even find a weed to chew on, much less a lizard anywhere to play with. Spring is winter here. It’s cold and it rains and no one knows quite what to make of it.

All I know is that those guys who say global changes aren’t happening are, in my book, out of their cotton-pickin’ minds. Still, the jasmine is about to open its perfumed buds and mama’s fava beans are pretty amazing…especially with a little pecorino romano on the side (crumbs for me), and there is some kind of really picante herb/lettuce in the garden that mama can’t identify. Here’s a photo:


Some kind of cress, peut-etre (maybe)

She does have a tendency to ‘plant’ in an off hand sort of way, so no wonder she can’t figure out what anything is sometimes. I saw her take a packet of seeds a month ago, open it and throw the whole shebang over her shoulder into the nice fresh dirt she had prepared for the tomatoes and who on earth knows what was in that mix? And if whatever it is will get along with San Marzanos!

Let’s hope it had some basil in the mix…or maybe pasta seeds, haha. Right now there are starter planters with Virgilio and Steakhouse tomatoes, both supposedly resistant to wilt and fusarium and yellowing, but we’ll only know in August. The basil and striped zucchine and yellow patty-pans are going to be started when there are some sunny days all in a row on which to plant. Meanwhile, mama says the freezer is empty of last summer’s tomato sauces and a freezer without tomato sauce is like a day without ME. (Actually she didn’t say that, I made that up but that’s what it’s like for sure.) I’m off to help plant now because I see a great little area of nicely turned earth ready for the radishes and I know just what to put there…


Yes,  you guessed it!

(This is my Siamese kitty impersonation)