Posted by on Sep 25, 2016 | 20 comments


Here is the Great Black Hunter, lurking dangerously close to her prey, watching with the eyes of an eagle or maybe a python or…er…whatever watches something closely, and she is pondering when to pounce on whatever it is that’s lounging by that swimming pool.


(I think I’ll wait until it eats more and gets a bit fatter, heh heh.)


Observe closely the GREAT BLACK HUNTER who has moved from the feeding ground to the heights of a chair-watch from which to calculate the very crucial moment that one must SPRING and tear the throat out of whatever it is that is cheepin’ and peckin’ and poopin’ over there.  (Mama’s going to love cleaning THAT up.)


Well, I’m here instead, watching out the window.  That whatever it is started making noises like a slipping fan belt and giving me the beady eye and I was OUTTA THERE!

I think I have more leverage from here.