Posted by on Sep 23, 2014 | 9 comments



Well, this morning on her IPad mama found an article about Amy Cuddy, an amazing young woman who suffered a terrible accident early in life and was told she could not finish college because she had lost mental abilities and she was unwilling to accept that.  She now works at Princeton, got her degree (s), taking a bit longer than the others, but as far as mama could see, she has not only recovered, she has made herself into the Amy she wants to be, perhaps an even better version than the one she might have become without the accident!

You remember that the other night I scared off that bad kitty who was treading on my territory?  Well, I didn’t realize at first that I was taking an Amy Cuddy pose.  I pulled myself up and arched my back to make myself look larger and boy, that kitty took off like a bat (cat?) out of hell.

Posing is Ms. Cuddy’s subject in her talks on TED and other UTube videos, and she shows photos of powerful body poses that you can use, too (Mick Jagger is one…wow!).

Pose until you feel it and then pose until you ARE it. I like that.

For example, when sitting, if you LOOK cowed and cross your arms in front of you and bend your head and sit all huddled up and protected-looking, you actually, physically, increase your stress levels, whereas if only for TWO MINUTES you open your arms, rest them on the chair arms or behind your head, do not cross your legs or ankles, lift your head and present and open and inquiring pose in your body, your testosterone levels rise and combat the stress hormone called cortisol, and people around you are more open to listening to you, paying attention to what you say, and in general, LIKING you more.  And you can practice these poses in private and try anything you like–put your feet on your desk, etc.


Hey, no crossed paws, arms open, head up, legs apart.

That’s it.  Ms. Cuddy urges everyone to share this knowledge as she is really not profiting from her discoveries but only explored posturing and posing by talking herself into DOING them, whether she felt strong and powerful or NOT.  Pretend, she said to herself.  Just make believe you are going to go into a meeting or talk or classroom and that you are powerful and dynamic and will get through the ordeal just fine and doing this over and over will help you BE powerful.

Mama remembers an article in the Wall St. Journal many years ago that suggested that if you make yourself smile, even when you feel like s…t (excuse my French)…okay, “awful”, then you will actually life your spirits with the smile, whether you like it or not.  Well, I love this, because I am always trying to smile when I’m a bit sad, and I stretch my paws out full length when I awaken (people who wake up stretched out instead of in a fetal position have more energy and less stress!), and I, in fact, sleep naturally stretched out and always have.


You can use me as an example if you wish…let’s spread this around!

So if you can take a peek at the video, I’ll be curious to hear what you think about this lovely and courageous woman.  I just noticed that mama is sitting up straighter at the computer and has started walking like Bolt!!! Hey, just pick your power body and DO a pose like it.  Here’s mine:


No crossed paws for these dudes!