Posted by on Jan 24, 2015 | 8 comments


Do you ever have one of those days on which you just don’t know what to write?  Not that there are not subjects to write about and not that my little pea brain has no opinions about the state of the world, but you know, just one of those moments in which your mind is spinning about so many things that it just won’t settle on one?

Well, that’s where I am today.  However, papa did read to me about the comet action on February 14th, so that should be something to look into next month.  A probe called Philae landed on a COMET three months ago and got lost and now these space gurus are going to send up another probe called Rosetta (great name, no?) to within about THREE miles from the comet to look for poor Philae.

Well, THAT’S news!  Mama asked papa if there would be any chance of seeing any of this action within the next million or so years, haha, and he said, maybe, so maybe there will be some TV coverage of this amazing event.  I mean, imagine looking into a COMET!  Wow.

The only other news around here is that our guru gardener, M. Riere, has been out preparing his incredible soil for planting and this is what it looks like:


Is that beautiful or what?  I watched the whole thing from our back yard and that guy WORKS, even into the night.  But those cultivated rows are going to produce some pretty hot stuff–Mona Lisa potatoes, Swiss chard, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, radishes, carrots, you name it–he grows it.

Mama is ordering one of those little dwarf Meyer lemons for this spring’s planting.  Maybe it will be short enough for me to pick from and help her a little.  She’s still out there cutting lemons, but at least the limoncello is started!  I don’t get to drink it but I like to smell it…sort of makes me crazy but what the heck.  You only live nine times…

One sniff does this to you, but it’s worth it…haha.
