Posted by on Mar 14, 2021 | 15 comments








Why not Moonday or Starday or Planetday or…?

Well, I was just wondering – were all Sundays sunny once upon a time when whoever it was naming the days got to the seventh?  Okay, Google, here I come.

I depend heavily on Mr Google and goodness knows, he has saved hours of time in getting to libraries, searching for the perfect information source, and so on.  But I’m not sure he’ll be able to answer this one, haha.

Let’s just say that here it is GLORIOUS and sunny today, and lolling about in a warm sun puddle is about all I can manage.

Ah, but why should I manage more?  Cared for, brushed, malt-pasted, fed, snuggled, warmed by Mr Sun, comforted by Ms comforter (duvet), what’s not to like?

Okay, okay, I ADMIT IT. I am spoiled rotten!

Now, get out there and LOLL to your hearts’s content, kitties everywhere.

(And doggies, ducks, donkeys, etc, you get my drift, right?)