Well, we’ve stretched before but today we are stretching out to wish you a lovely tomorrow before The Eve of Christmas and hope that all presents are wrapped and all ornaments hung and many cookies are ready with milk for a late-night snack for You Know Who.
And then we hope you have some REST and RELAXATION after all this activity.
Dreaming of sugarplums…..
“Such a fun and quirky title! To make it even clearer what readers can expect, you could add a brief hint about the content, like ‘Chatty Cats: Plumbers, Snoozies, and More Tales from Feline Life!’ It keeps the charm while adding a touch of context.”
Merci for your suggestions.
I’m dreaming of catnip mousies! ~Murphy
Oui, oui, Murphy, and we are sure Santa is dreaming of those, too, for YOU.
A good stretch sets us up for a good nap! Hope those sugarplums fill your head with the knowledge that you are loved by so many dear Loulou.
Hugs, Pam and Teddy
Ohhh, that made mama teary. But of course we love back, too, everyone and I am so sorry not to be under the tree for mama and papa. But we’ll LOVE seeing our friends and their trees and sweet animal family members.
We will relax…and since petcretary has to work on Christmas, (its her turn…), we’ll do more relaxing the next day too!! We keep things low j=key around here, mostly! A nice family gathering, and good food to help the love along, that’s all we need/want! Us pups already did the Santa stuff, so we can relax now too…and await the presents we heard about. And no bad weather, just rain..(After the bit of snow we might see on Monday) ugh! A green Christmas is likely here.
Happy Merry Days before Christmas!
Oh, your poor mama, I hope she gets home in time for SOME celebration with you sweeties!!! What a good mama you have you darling puppies.
We just finished our family party so i feel like Christmas is already over. XO
That happens, isn’t that funny? Maybe Christmas could be on any day we like!
Relaxing sure works for me!
Brian’s Home
Yep, we kitties are brilliant at relaxing. Our anthros wish they were, too.
Merry Christmas – Happy Hannukkah, Kwaanza or whatever special days you celebrate. And we hope there is no extreme weather .
Oh, we do, too, but we do have high winds for a few days. So hard on my fur….haha.
I hope all those last minute things are getting done, done, done!
Well, around here, all is done except the ginger snaps….