Posted by on Aug 15, 2021 | 20 comments










Is this ever going to change?

Well, another week whistled by.

Why are they going so fast?

How do we slow things down a bit?

Around here, we are a bit more emotional than we were before.

Not me, of course, I keep my head about me when everyone else is losing theirs, haha, but still, this way of living, distanced and masked, is taking its toll on the spirit.  I think I am going to have to be the one who keeps things together with snuggles and kitty kisses and making sure that mama and papa have me to keep them cosy at night and assure a peaceful snooze.

And if anyone knows about snoozing, it is I!!!!!!! Or me, as the case may be.

For example, I came in here to work out on my yoga mat and bammo….zzzzzzz.