Circe had better not mess with ME! Two can play this game…
I suppose I could have called this blog “This Little Piggy”, haha.
Well, mama is reading a book that she can barely leave to snuggle me or fix dinner for her and papa.
It is by Madeline Miller, the title is Circe, and you had better not mess with this goddess unless you’re comfortable being bacon! She also defies convention and most of the gods on Olympus, which is attractive behavior around here, haha.
This Circe is one heck of a sorceress, with all kinds of magical herbs and potions in her kitchen and garden (sort of like mama…hmmm), and with just a few drops of whatever it is she has chosen to mix, along with a word or two from her magical lips, you are TOAST.
Well, worse.
Just mentioning this book because mama says that it’s such a good read and she wanted to pass the word along.
It has been out for some time, along with Ms Miller’s The Song of Achilles, I think maybe the next one on mama’s list.
But I think Circe is about to end, and when a book ends, we all take cover. Especially if mama doesn’t have one to jump into immediately. Thank you, Achilles!
But what worries me is that mama has starting prowling around her garden to see where to plant her mugwort and skullcap!
Me, I’m checking out my catnip asap to see if old Circe needs to replenish her supply!
You never know where you can make a buck nowadays…
(CATNIP, magical attributes: Cat magic, familiars, joy, friendship, love.
Uses: Its flowers and leaves have often been used to treat colds and insomnia. It lowers fevers, dries up post nasal drip, gets rid of bad headaches and relieves sore aching bones due to colds and flus, when taken in tea form, 2-3 times daily. As incense it may be used to consecrate magical tools.)
Wow – mugwort and skullcap! That sounds like some of the stuff I see on the sidewalk here!! Well, mama has 3 unread audiobooks on hold, just sitting on iCloud, since she is delving into Italian in her spare time. She can’t even remember what she downloaded – except something like Italian for dummies, but since there’s nothing to look at – just words with french first and then the italian equivalent, and then sometimes Italian first and french after – she thinks the dummies were the ones who made the audiobook! So, she broke down last night and ordered a course from Amazon with a BOOK. That and Babbel should do it. It all sounds like babbel to me……
Tell you maman that CIRCE is translated into many languages, maybe ITALIAN and FRENCH!! A juicy way to learn…
Hey, Circe is in French and Italian, I think….Hmmmm.
LOL – Mama not ready for a “real book” in Italian!! YET. She’s still struggling to remember the translation of all the words of the Costa Cruise Lines song – Savore di Sale…… and they repeat. Not too hopeful ……
Hey, she’ll get there. She only started a few weeks ago!!! Sapore di sale, sapore de mare, che hai sulla bocca, che hai sulle pelle….very sexy: Taste of salt, taste of the sea, that you have on your mouth, that you have on your skin…my mama was in Italy when that song was popular in Italy.
Interesting about the incense uses of catnip ! I read a summary of Circe and put it on my wish list too, but I have many more ahead of it.
Well, mama would LOVE your list but don’t hesitate too long….it’s one of the best of the best and Ms Miller is a lovely, lovely writer.