Posted by on Jun 13, 2018 | 13 comments


HEY, I caught a feather on the end of this fishing pole! May I take it home? Oh, I forgot, I AM home. Duh.

Oh, boy, now they’re telling me about a place I would have LOVED to go–an exhibition called TAKE ME, I’M YOURS, at which you may touch, taste, and take away one of any of the pieces of “art” that are displayed!

The little devil grand-anthros, for example, put together two little sculptures made out of broken pottery that was scattered on a table along with Scotch tape, string and glue so that anyone could make anything he/she wanted out of shards!  Great fun for mama and papa, too!  But mama is such a wimp, she merely found a shard and signed her name. CHEATING is what I think that is!



There was a HUGE room full of hard candies to be picked up and eaten if you wanted.


Then ENORMOUS piles of clothing all scattered up the ancient steps inside the museum, any piece of which you could take home!!! Mama found a great pair of lime-green pants and was dying to go through all the rest with her thrift-shop passion, but it would have taken weeks!


Actually these clothes are at another museum in France, but the same show was there and the piles of clothes, the same.  All washed and ready to take home, if you found something.


This was a room in which, mama said, you could take a brick, put some mortar on it and keep building that whatever-it-is in the middle of the room! Looks like fun for a kitty to roam around in and there is a HUGE sand pile in the corner…heh, heh.


HEY, I just may have to hang this sign on MY door if they don’t come back soon!!!
