Posted by on Aug 22, 2014 | 0 comments



Hey, who’s going to make the pizza now that the little anthros are leaving?


And who’s going to decorate me like a Christmas tree?  Can you believe I let those little creatures DO this???

I’ll be back tomorrow with a bit of sorrow over their leaving, but I’ll be back.

I couldn’t do yesterday’s blog because I was canyoning, the having dinner, then going to a Luna Park, riding a roller coaster, eating cotton candy, going to a fun house and mystery house and doing all those things those little anthros wanted to do and this went on until MIDNIGHT.

Well, I slept for hours.

We’ll miss them, that’s for sure.  I mean, who else would I allow to put all my toys on my little body and head?


Sometimes you just have to go with the flow…and I’ll flow back into blogland tomorrow, for sure.

Meanwhile, I don’t think I got enough shut-eye last night…


Frankly, I’m wasted…