Posted by on Jun 3, 2017 | 9 comments


Hey, here’s my friend, Mya, taking her anthro out for a stroll in Nice.  She seems to have him under control but sometimes he wants to stop and look at things and talk to people and she has other ideas!



What are you gonna do, her papa is asking.  She wants to go where she wants to go and that’s IT!  Mya certainly has it easy, being pushed around a beautiful city and meeting friends everywhere.  Her mama says that she is dying to go into a place where the owner says, “I’m sorry, we don’t allow doggies” and Mya’s mama will say, “I beg your pardon! Are you calling my child a DOG?”

HA,HA, you can’t really see through the screen when it’s up and Mya actually behaves so well that she could pass for a baby!  Oh, boy, can’t wait ’til this happens.

But mama showed me pics of the Blogpaws convention and there were some pretty snazzy strollers there, too.  Is this the next thing?  Strollers for kitties and doggies?  Hey, from seeing the size of some kid anthros in strollers, it’s about time they WALKED!  Move over for doggy and kitty poussettes.


You say you’re getting ME one of those things?  Are you out of your mind, mama?  I’d be outta there in a New York minute.

Actually, if Mya was in there with me, I might stay awhile…who could resist?


Mya, Her Majesty.