Posted by on Jan 26, 2023 | 20 comments

Well, we are thankful for tanks.

Tanks from Germany, tanks from the USA, tanks from wherever they can be had.

To help stop a man who is worse than bad.

Thanks to all who are sending tanks to Ukraine.

And thanks to all of you who have suggested to mama how to get me take meds.

She thinks I don’t know but I know full well that my malt paste allotment has grown slightly and has a funny shape to it…sort of triangular, as in antibiotic pill shape….


Thanks anyway, sometimes you just have to take your medicine, haha.

And I am thankful for papa holding paws with me when I am on the bed at their nap my snuggle time. Normally, no one holds paws, only hind feet, but papa is special.

Thank you, papa. You may hold my back paw, too, if you dare.