Posted by on Mar 3, 2015 | 4 comments


Well, it’s somewhere in here but who knows where? Lumbar, I think, whatever that is. I thought that’s what you use to build houses, haha!

I’m sorry, dear readers.  Today mama has been walking around with a pinched something or other and every now and then I see her moving perfectly normally and then bammo, she crumbles for a moment, does some sort of hula hip thing and seems to be herself again.

But it has unnerved me no end and I’m following her around just in case she crumbles on something hard like the tile floor and I can break the fall, haha.

Just wanted to say that that has occupied my mind today and she normally helps me at the computer but she can’t sit for very long with this pinched whatever-it-is, so if anyone out there has remedies for pinched whatevers, I’m all ears, haha.

Meanwhile, I have to make the fire, cook dinner, set the table and all those things she does with papa (he’s busy doing something with trash, whatever that is, because it’s Tuesday and Wednesday is pick up day for recyclables) so I’m sort of busy and can’t really convey my pearls of wisdom today.

But will certainly be here tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, you can bet your puss-in-boots.


Uh, oh, looks as if she might teeter over any minute now….gotta run. She has to give me dinner first!