Posted by on Jul 13, 2023 | 10 comments



We are so thankful that there are so many trained responders to fire, flood, heat and other climate troubles that appear to be happening everywhere.

Thanks to all of them for their unending work to keep so many safe and well.

Mama and papa are thankful that my glucose appears to be perfect on a pee pee bandalet that tells one glucose dangers. But we still do not have a clue about why I…uh…can’t hit the mark.

More on this when the Cat Attrack litter arrives.

Meanwhile, thanks to all of you who have offered possible solutions and help with my problem. Of course, it could be age, but we would rather not go there, if you get my drift, especially since I play with my silver vine toys and  ‘nana so willingly and well and jump on beds easily.


Happy week-end-coming-up and for us here in France, a safe and lovely Bastille Day, even though the feu d’artifcice (fireworks) will be in our neighboring village. Ours will be on August 15th, which seems just around the corner!!!

Who knows where the time goes?

Who, who, who…?