Posted by on Apr 17, 2014 | 0 comments


Well, everyone knows Dante’s Inferno but none of those circles can compare to the mess we have been in around here with computer viruses and I’m about to wish I were a dog instead so I wouldn’t have to feel so bad about not putting my blog on for TWO DAYS.  TWO WHOLE DAYS and I’m sorry, dear readers, but papa has been working around the clock to fix my computer (his, too, for that matter but I’M the one who has a daily deadline!) and he is a hero, in my book.

This has been exhausting for poor papa and so right now, instead of telling all the news of the last two days and going over the stress we BOTH have felt about not being able to get online, I’m going to pour poor papa a nice little Scotch and maybe I’ll hit the kibble, too, and we’ll both just kick back and relax after this ordeal.

All I can say is that old Dante had it pretty cushy compared to what has been going on in this viral house and I think his tome needs an additional circle, about which I am going to write right now and send it to whomever publishes his stuff and have them tack it on, haha.

You don’t EVER want to be in this situation with YOUR computer, believe you me!

Come to think of it, I really should learn to use my IPad.  I actually wrote on it today and pushed PUBLISH and guess what?  There’s nothing on my blog that even resembles what I wrote. So where is it??? In the CLOUD? Wherever that is…

These things make me nuts.  Maybe I’ll join papa in that Scotch…


Maybe I’ll put ice in it next time…
