Posted by on Mar 30, 2023 | 20 comments

Hey, mama, when are YOUR tomatoes going to grow? This looks like weeds to me!

Well, today is full of thanks for Solensia, the med that helped Ernie jump up on the bed (!) and for B12 for my back legs so that I can jump, too, and for all of the magic meds that seem to be helping so many kitties.

And anthros.

And for the price of insulin coming down drastically for so many in the US.

And for spring flowers popping up everywhere whether it is time to do that or not!

And for more help for Ukraine from the EU, heaven knows it is needed to oust the tyrant but mama says that guys like Putain NEVER quit as he is obsessed with the idea of being another Peter the Great…lotsaluck, Putie.

And we are thankful for The Optimist online newsletter that is a respite from the terrible events in the news that seem to be endless. Another shooting. Jeez, Louise, WHERE ARE THE LONG OVERDUE LAWS AGAINST BUYING ASSAULT RIFLES? Jeez, Louise…

Note: The Optimist is attached to The Washington Post, but the link above will suggest many other free optimistic newsletters online that can give you a lift and a smile.


Here is a very happy story about a 92-year-old gardener.  We hope it will brighten your day.

Gardens are great, especially if the chairs grow well…