Posted by on Oct 23, 2015 | 6 comments


Well, mama says it’s time again to say thank you to registering readers and let them know that she looks at every one and sees the name and is fascinated that you all come from all over the place and it’s nice to know that my little pea brain thoughts get to you and maybe, just maybe, make your day a little brighter.

Except for sometimes when I’m on a tear and have read sad stories in the world and I just have to say something about them, like inequality and poverty and immigrants’ laments and the horrible things that happen to young girls and women in India and other countries where womens’ rights are not even considered, and then, of course, there is ISIS in the middle east and thieving rulers in many African nations and one of the worst, cruelty to animals!

BUT…I think, too, that there are more silver linings than we hear about and there are many uplifting stories in the news—children who’ve gone missing and are found, not to mention kitties and doggies who’ve disappeared and come back on their own to their anthros! Now those are great stories.

I just realized that we kitties have nine lives, and so if one of us dies, that kitty will probably come back in another kitty-form and connect with its anthro in some way. Or not. Depending on one’s belief in that sort of thing.

But it’s nice to believe that I have eight more lives to enjoy!

And hundreds more snoozes and cuddles…