Posted by on May 26, 2017 | 12 comments


Well, as you can see, I am having a grand old time without THEM. However, they do send me street scenes and market pics and such, just to make me feel a little bad that I am not there having an espresso and visiting the kitties at Largo Argentina.  Bonne chance.


OH, NO, not again. Mama’s favourite doggy in campo de’ fiori. I think mama needed some cuddling and this doggy does that.


Veggies in the campo and wild asparagus below!




Well, mama’s favorites, the apricots are coming in, too. Hey, we have those around here, too, mama!


Tramezzini, mama’s favourite lunch–white sandwich bread and wonderful fillings all kinds, like artichoke, salmon, prosciutto and mozzarella and more.


OH, NO, mama had better not be petting THAT!!! Those guys can make off with a Chihuahua in minutes!  They fly over the garden but I hide in the bushes, haha.

Well, that’s a little tour of what mama is doing, but I’m sure she’ll have more to share tomorrow after dinner tonight with all the little step-grand-anthros.  They may be cute, but they don’t come close to being a kitty!


No, I am not sulking.  I am having deep, profound thoughts.


And feeing sad about Shaggy who died in sleep.  Love to the family.
