Listen up, dear readers.
Okay, here’s a puzzle:
In all of these scenes on the cover of the latest New Yorker magazine of what crazy anthros are doing, , WHICH picture is the most sane, makes the most sense, and lets the world know just who runs it? I will send all winners a virtual rub upon both ankles. (See hint, below)
The one with the cat, of course!
Ah, hah, more ankle rubs all around! WE RULE!
The ginger pussycat resting on the back of the chair, of course. We kitties all know that the way to World Domination starts by having a good nap. Humans don’t nap much, which is why they’re wound up so-o tight, a bit crazy, and don’t make sense lots of the time! Winks.
Well, papa taught mama how to nap and she is SOOOO much more relaxed than before. Her mother used to tell her that napping was somehow immoral or decadent or whatever, but mama soon learned that napping ROCKS! Also she gets to read….
Hehe, well clearly the only good advice sane image is in the second window down, and as it happens I’m just about to snooze myself..
Toodle pips and ankle rubbing purrs
More ankle rubs for you, cousin Erin! Of course it’s the kitty. Is there any other sane item on that cover?
I see the kitty 🙂
Rub, rub, rub, all around your ankles and a loud purr.
The cat sleeping on the chair back is themost sane, makes and most sense and tells the world who runs it in his or her sleep.
I am making figure 8s around your ankles, Jan. What did Marcus thin?
Well, the kitty laying (lying ?) on the back of the couch, of course, and even though the anthro on his balcony is unhappy about the drifting smoke, he doesn’t appear to be DOING anything nutzoid.
Well, you get the ankle rub, of course, since it’s for sure the kitty lying on the couch. Maybe the anthro on the balcony is ABOUT to do something nutzoid. Love that word.
Humans sure are funny, but mostly strange!
Boy, strange is right. REALLY strange.