Posted by on Jan 8, 2019 | 16 comments







(Am I just a lounge lizard, whatever that is? More like a lounge Loulou…)

Except in my case.  You cannot imagine the time mama spends in attempts to interest me in that silly fishing rod with a fake rabbit tail on the end or that other one with what looks like real feathers, but no way, Jose.  I know a feather when I see one, mama, and those are plastic fake feathers, anthro-made!

So here’s the question:  Just what DOES turn a  kitty on, because I’ve made pleas about this before and many nice replies were sent, but maybe I just have to admit that I’m out of my kitten stage and simply don’t get all hot and bothered over a ball of yarn any longer, haha.

SO what do YOU kitties play with?  What gets your energy pumping?  Those Atcad kitties have such a huge back yard to explore that they probably could care less about toys.  Their toys are squirrels and birds and their doggy brother, but I don’t have any of those.  No squirrels here that I know of.  Aha, but what we DO have are humongous sea gulls–gouelands–and they make mama sort of nervous because she once saw one carrying something in its beak and it was furry and (well, previously) alive…

So she’s on the lookout for those thieving, conniving creatures!  I’m pretty sure they would not lay a claw on me,  Guard of the Garden, Fearless Feline of the Home Front! But as playmates, fuggedaboudit.

Plus, those guys are BIG.Image result for free image of seagull

I mean, seriously, would you play with THIS?

But I digress–even my plethora, whatever that is, of nip toys is…(yawn)…boooorrring.

And yet I purr from morning to night and sleep like a…well…a cat.

Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places for the right answer…