Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 | 3 comments

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You can say that again.

I should know—I’ve been left here at home for way too long and even though there is no place like it, it’s pretty weird without my mama and papa to snuggle and cuddle me and let me sleep on top of them all stretched out to my full, magnificent length as they scratch me under the chin and around my darling little ears.

Maybe mama couldn’t find any ruby slippers to click together to get her back to where she belongs. I know for sure that papa has a heart, a brain, and courage so he’s not in the same pickle, plus those little sparkly paw covers supposedly only fit a female.

Uh, oh, the phone is ringing and there’s no one here to pick up. I’d do it myself except at this hour of the afternoon it is always someone trying to sell something and frankly, I don’t have the patience for it.

OH, IT’S MAMA ON THE PHONE!!! What on earth is she saying? All I hear is “Loulou, blah, blah, blah, Loulou, blah, blah, blah” and I think there is some  kitchie, kitchie coo kind of stuff in there, too that makes me feel she may have just found those magic shoes and will be here soon! Oh, boy, are they in for a surprise.

One of mama’s friends sent her a video of a kitty who could jump through hoops and stand with all fours in a coffee can and roll over and over and over (I saw the food in the trainer’s hand that made her do that each time, hah! some trick…) and run up seesaws and run down the other side but I did NOT see that kitty making crispy shrimp tacos to welcome home HER anthro! No, sir.

Well, that’s what I did. And just to be really nice about being abandoned for so long, I rolled some catfish in cornmeal and fried that up, too. I got the recipe from that no-good Shitsu in Texas.


Eat your heart out, little tricky kitty on that video. I’ll bet your anthro didn’t teach you to COOK!

Have to go—the tartar sauce isn’t made yet…


(I know there are some green onions around here somewhere…)