Posted by on Mar 23, 2023 | 20 comments


Well, I seem to have a drinking problem.

I drink quite a bit of water, but my nice doc says it’s normal with diabetes and I need to get the sugar out of my system. Fine with me.

I am thankful for so many things, I wish there were one big thankful basket into which I could put all of my merci, grazie, gracias and more, but for today, I am thankful for a dear friend in Italy who has lost her husband and for the many, many friends and family who will surround her with love.

I am thankful that the birdies are singing spring songs and that the bees are returning, even if not as many as before…

And as always, thankful that we can read what so many others are doing in their lives through wonderful blogs and thankful for the friends we have made over the years.

Sorry to leave you, but I need a drink…

Uh, mama, could you not watch, please?