Posted by on Jun 2, 2022 | 22 comments

We are thankful for a BEAUTIFUL marriage of two anthros who love one another SO much that’s it’s hard to measure.

Well, four anthros, if you include mama and papa, haha.

And we are thankful that the Ukrainian army may get more effective weaponry from Germany and the US, but we are against all war so it’s hard to be too thankful for anything having to do with it…

We WOULD be thankful if the idiots against gun control in a section of our government would wise up to the fact that children AND adults are dying, thanks to their resistance.

We are thankful for all of you who keep us smiling and touched and delighted by your views on Life and Kitties and Doggies and Food and Teasers and Poetry and Friendship…have to stop, this could take all day to write down…

Too much time away from my NAPS!!!

As for the vet, I am getting jabbed with a bit more insulin and mama is looking for a dibetic food that I will eat with gusto. Right now I have her trained to put grated parmesan or duck fat on my food, haha…but I do need to eat a bit more before jabs.

Okay, basta with the health stuff. I do feel better and that’s good.

Now for a reality check. I need a bit more attention lately from mama and papa and I certainly get THAT and am thankful for snuggles.