Posted by on Apr 9, 2024 | 26 comments

Are there any?

Donc, are there just some things in life that tickle you pink?

Mama is really ticklish on her tootsies, but I’m talking about just being really surprised and amazed and delighted about something that you think about all day and say to yourself, WOW, was that wonderful, who knew?

I think this eclipse generated news about those who had seen a few and mama just loved that a 105-year-old man had built his own telescopes to see eclipses during his very long lifetime.

Maybe it’s How To Stay Young When You’re Old day for us, but the oldest man in the USA, at 111, about to have his 112th birthday, told an interviewer his secret to staying young:

Fish and chips!

He said he loved fish and chips and had eaten them all his life and now, in his very nice rest home, they are served every Friday.

My kind of guy!

MAMA, do we have any swimmers around and maybe a potato or two?

You know, with my new persona, I just might be able to conjure up the whole shebang for all of us!

WOW, have to try that!


And for anyone who didn’t see the magical eclipse, mama offers a tv photo:

So many anthros from so many places brought together in these moments.

Would that we could always be that way…sigh.