Well, here’s a close up on my toes up, haha. Just kicking back today and having a nice think. We kitties need that sometimes, and it goes with Thinking Toes Up Tuesday for a title, non?
It’s brrrrrrrrr weather for mama and papa, but they have a nice little fireplace to help toast THEIR toesies.
Papa’s countdown has begun for the number of days until the shortest one of the year, and then he is so, so happy as we head toward SPRING!!!!
Optimism reigns here. Such fun to watch…
And here’s my friend little Peekay with his toes up, too!
Toes up for that cute little Peekay and for you of course too, sweet Angel💗Extra Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞
Merci, you sweet twosome. Peekay really is an amazing kitty.
It’s brrrrr weather here too, Loulou. It’s hard to keep my toesies warm! ~Murphy
Stoke that fire, Murphy, stoke that toasty fire.
We feel like Spring is ages away…..we’re in the “teens” temperature wise but so far no snow. We have a fire in the fireplace almost every day though so that’s a bonus! I’m keeping my toes warm by lying under the Christmas tree.
Hugs, Teddy
Oh, please do a photo shoot with you as a prezzie under the tree, haha.
Oh my word Peekay is absolutely adorable, Loulou! Toes up by the fire is a wonderful way to spend the day.
I think more anthros need a bit of toesup…..even for 15 minutes! Especially at holidays!
You two have the toes up mode down pat…pardon the pun!
OH, mama LOVES puns…never get her started…..
Yes, we’re ready for Spring too!!!!
Brian’s Home
Good company to have, welcome! Papa is ready for spring on Sept. first!
Cutest uptoesies ever!
Merci, Ms Leah. I needed to relax and not think about HOLIDAYS!!!
Awww..your friend is adorable. XO
Peekay is so amazing…he has a bit of Bengal in him….a very special kitty, so smart.
Aww- we love the picture of you and your little friend LouLou. We needed the reminder of Papa’s counting down to the days getting longer…it has been below freezing here for several days all day long.
BRRRRRRR….wish you had a bit of this sun we get sporadically. But it’s chilly here, too.