Posted by on Dec 5, 2016 | 10 comments


A Christmas angel…stepgrandkid posing with wings.


Well, here’s mama’s decorating (above).  Not much room underneath for MY presents, right?  But it does save energy, haha.

But she loves this little pathetic tree and so we turn it on and hope one day she may actually give in to a TREE, as in CHRISTMAS TREE, with BRANCHES and in a POT, living and happy to contribute to the holiday season.

But…so far, this is it.

Mama had a cousin who took her kids off to some exotic place every Christmas in order NOT to have Christmas in her own city where it was confusing and there were tons of family and too much to eat and drink all around, so she took them to a hotel somewhere new each year and made the coat rack in the hall of the hotel room into a tree, decorated with stuff from the room (who knows what that was–toilet paper?) and the kids had a ball.

Original.  Challenging.

Not a bad idea to sort of flip things, no?

What are you doing for holidays?  I’m working on my recipe for Nip Nog but mama is not big on letting me in the kitchen alone with heavy cream.


Hey, I ask, is this the face of a kitty you can’t trust in the kitchen?  Don’t answer that…