Posted by on Oct 13, 2023 | 21 comments

Tick off all the chores and actions one needs for a Tuesday:

  1. Find good sun puddles before autumn sneaks in.
  2. Eat wisely for your diabetic condition (I always do, almost the same number of grams every day (matin et nuit).
  3. Allow myself to be snuggled a certain amount of time and then give the poor snuggler a break, for heaven’s sake!
  4. Allow grooming, for as long as it takes….no limits on this one.
  5. Sleep near my aunty Sue to keep her warm and be stimulating company for her dream time.
  6. Remind mama and papa that the covid vaccination should be out and about this month and they must get it for sure, old fogi…uh, faily healthy individuals that they are, but still…

La la la…it was vaccinaaaaation, I know….la la la, just a prick of needle and then it is DONE lalala…just a little stick, just a little jab, and then you can go on your way all protecccccted….lalala….

Hope all of you can get one soon and feel a bit safer from that nasty virus. It appears he/she/it/they is not leaving anytime soon.

And if you are wondering where Wordless Wednesday is, it is, well, wordless, as I was speechless to learn that mama has covid as of Monday and was in hospital getting rehydrated overnight. They did a good job and now she is (sort of) back to normal but as my advisor, she’s out of commission for a while…

More on Thursday, and she’s home now taking potassium tablets. She had the lose-your-lunch covid, which only about 30% of covid-havers have, but it dehydrates one pretty badly.

I hope I don’t have to lose mine…

But I always know where to find it haha!

Pizza? Works for me! Wait a minute, that’s corn bread!