Posted by on Feb 4, 2025 | 16 comments

Hello…mama has a message.

At the risk of losing readers mama has decided that she has to speak out at times about the inequalities, fake medical and political news, prejudice against the gay community, Roe vs Wade destroyers, and more that are now actions present in YOUR government for the next four years unless the head honcho really screws up and does something that calls for impeachment by his Republican party. See more here.

It could happen, the way things are going.

Your medical insurance is at risk. Your groceries are going up.

Our amazing PLANET is at risk as he pulls out of any climate conventions taking place with our ‘allies’ to help our planet be safer and last longer!

Our army is now refusing those who are not straight men and women.

And this is a fraction of the devastation he has planned.

I do not mind losing readers.

I do mind standing by and watching him destroy our United States of America, little by little each day, with disregard for our Constitution.

And we must all mind that he is treating our very important alies in a way that is unconscionable. They are our ALLIES, there to protect us and we, them!

That said, mama loves you all and your sweet animals and families and she will try hard not to disturb your days with FACTS, but instead try to keep her mind on uplifting subjects and kindess and thankfulness for good hearts everywhere.

But if this man is allowed to run loose, we shall all be far more disturbed in the future than we are now….
