Posted by on Mar 25, 2025 | 14 comments


The NIP IS UP!!! Had to visit….(sniff sniff)

Yay, yay the sun is HERE and everything is twinkling and happy! Birdies at the feeder, little white border flowers doing their bordering, broad beans getting bee-ed, lemons languishing, wild asparagus  wobbling, rosemary rampant, lavender so lovely, all’s well in the garden.

Wish it were with the world…

Still, we are tickled on Tuesday, as always…


And the beet goes on…..

Simmer fresh beets, cut in slices, until tender, about 20 minutes. Save beet water for soups or next batch of beets. Squeeze the juice of a lemon over the beets, add a little salt to taste and refrigerate. SO delicious and very good for the liver, we are told….Also good warmed up in a little butter to go with a main course. Brush beet tops with olive oil and crisp in a medium oven. Delicious.

And don’t be alarmed at the…uh…after effects…you’re fine!