Posted by on Jun 20, 2015 | 6 comments


Mama says I ought to write more about my inner kitty and how I feel about the world and be more revealing of my hidden emotions and attitudes about the world we live in (is there any other, mama?) and that just writing about books and movies and issues may get boring to my readers, but it’s not every day that one can bare one’s kitty heart to the world.

It’s easier for some to look inside themselves and discover things, and I don’t mean LITERALLY looking inside, like an x-ray, but doing that introspection thing that one does when one goes to a shrink, for example. Or so I’m told.

It’s just that with the world in all its turmoil lately, it’s hard for me to assimilate and digest quickly and thoroughly enough to come up with some solutions to the world’s problems or at least offer some pertinent advice that might make the world a better place.

There is not enough time in the day, I say to myself all the time. Papa reads a paper in Italian and today he told me about the immigrants stuck in Ventimiglia, Italy, because the French won’t let them in and of course I get all riled up about this and then I learn that France, Germany and the UK allow more immigrants than Italy and are down on the Italians because the immigrants in Italy are not registered and so Italy wishes to put unregistered immigrants in other countries and that simply doesn’t function.

So you see, this is one of those quandaries I get into when I don’t have enough info to analyze the situation! I’m going to look into this more closely, but the immigrant issue interests me a lot and there has to be a way to deal with these poor people who are trying to make a better and safer life for themselves.

To be continued…

Off to think…and I will try to be very personal about this instead of just talking like a newspaper. Whatever that is.


Young man thinking about world problems.


Young kitty solving world problems.