Posted by on May 11, 2023 | 20 comments

Oh, boy, am I thankful for this springtime sun pouring over the garden like honey and sweetening the San Marzano tomato plants.

And we are thankful, too, for successful annual trips to the vet that so many anthros kitties have to endure!

Thanks, too, to good-hearted taxi drivers who return things left by mistake in their taxis! And thanks that mama’s step-daughter-in-law is back on her feet and feeling good again and thankful that my Aunties Barbara and Lynne are moving in the right direction and thankful that there has been rain recently in drought-affected France but boy, does it need more. And just a general thanks for spring arriving at long last with black birds singing their lovely wondrous warbles all night long.

Okay, okay, they are birdies and low on my totem pole, whatever that means, but they have come up a notch with these swinging serenades in the evening.

Sometimes the thankful list just gets too long. There aren’t enough letters in the alphabet to cover it, haha.

Lolling in sunspots in spring – merci, Mother Nature.