Posted by on May 2, 2020 | 10 comments


I’m taking a breather from giggling…










Well, today, I’m succumbing, whatever that is, to reprinting ticklesome  tidbits from mama’s group here in our little village, called Jailbirds, begun on WhatsApp by a very good-humored Englishman and joined by 8 or 10 others, including mama, who wish to have a good laugh each day (along with Mya’s mama’s morning funnies).  If that’s a run-on sentence, so be it.  Sometimes I just fall all over my words…

Today this is what we received:


Ha,ha!  These Jaybirds are FUNNY.

But what mama was especially joyful about today was this letter to a newspaper from a retired person.  So there are some interesting and lucrative (whatever that means) benefits of isolation!

Maybe we can all save a penny or two in our solitude!  I’m spending mine on hamburger if I ever get out of here…

Heaven knows no one else is offering me any!

“I am retired, and live on a pension and social security. Suddenly my income seems to be going farther. One trip a week to the grocery store, one tank of gas a month, no eating out, no shopping, no social contacts. I shop online very carefully. It’s amazing to have money left at the end of the month.” —  S.K.

So is this uplifting or what?  Along with the bra factory…

I didn’t have to spell that out, did I?  Oh, well.

The what factory?