Posted by on Jun 19, 2018 | 6 comments


Ooh, that feels SOOOOO good…

Well, being here with my Kitty Whisperer and inspiring thoughts from some of our friends with family members like me has propelled me into thinking about what other anthros do when they wish to take a trip and their furry friends simply wish only to stay put, sleep in chosen places, eat dependable food and be snuggled on a regular basis, but DO NOT WANT TO TRAVEL IN ANY WAY, FORM, or FASHION!!!

I know you have guessed by now the party about which I am speaking. (Remember Lily Tomlin, mama asks? “Is this the party to whom I am speaking?”)

And a friend who shares these feelings with me.


And probably many more doggies and kitties out there who really do not mind the labels of ‘homebody’, ‘couch potato’, ‘slugabed’, or ‘lazy Loulou’.

You know, it’s funny, mama is always saying, “Oh, that doggy looks so HAPPY with his head out the window and his ears flapping in the breeze.  He looks almost ecstatic, Loulou, just look at him/her“, (one can’t tell from a head out the window, right?).  But maybe mama is ONLY picking out the rare doggies (and an occasional kitty) who whose happiness is blowin’ in the wind.  Maybe those doggies are carsick and trying to breathe so they don’t throw up, or maybe they’re hoping that their anthros will stop the car in order to get their heads back in  or maybe they just want to impress other doggies with their stamina and courage whilst dying to STOP and SNOOZE somewhere or at least chase a pigeon.

Mama has that great book, Total Cat Mojo, and it’s very, very helpful with answers to our complicated lives, but it really doesn’t entirely solve the individual problems of traveling with us, the four-footed treasures of the earth.  Mama is loath, whatever that  means, to give me tranquilizers, whatever they are, and yet, maybe that’s a way to get from point A to point B where I can be in that other space I can at least tolerate.  Plus I am with them.  That’s nice.  For them.  Also for me.  Still…

So many unanswered questions, but yet the truth is that mama and papa are suffering a heckuva lot more than I.  What does your family do about this dilemna?  Whatever that is.


What dumb kitty would want to leave THIS?