They do WHAT to young women?
Mama was talking to me yesterday about a subject that is not the happiest. These things happen. We talk about everything, after all.
Recently, here in Rome, a day was designated to bring an awareness and education to those who perpetrate violent acts against women. Buses advertised places women could contact if there was a problem of violence in their lives, and many speakers were on the television news giving statistics of how many women are victims of violence in Italy daily, monthly and yearly.
The number of womens’ deaths from violence alone was shocking.
On the same day, mama and I were watching the news and the issue of female circumcision was one of the main topics. Frankly, I can’t see why they call it circumcision, because (aside from it being an integral part of a religion) when it’s done to male anthros, their sex lives are not changed at all and in fact, are often enhanced, whereas what I saw and heard about circumcision for female anthros in some parts of the world never, NEVER included the fact that their sex lives are practically nonexistent from the butchering of their bodies and that this dangerous procedure is, in fact, a way of controlling women, originated by male anthros who are clearly scared stiff of women in general and want only to remove “temptation” from them with this horrendous custom.
From Wikipedia: The health effects depend on the procedure but can include recurrent infections, chronic pain, cysts, infertility, complications during childbirth and fatal bleeding.
We kitties may be altered for population control but our sex lives continue, and female circumcision certainly has something to do with control, but NOT birth control!
And anthros can choose to be “fixed” too, but they do not remove women’s sexual parts to keep them in line to allay men’s fears of women with power!
Boy, if I ever saw some guy coming at me with whatever men use to mutilate young women anthros, leaving lasting emotional and physical scars, he’d better make sure he has a LOT of amoxicillin on hand.
You can bet my little fangs would certainly leave a few lasting scars. He had better watch his back.
Better yet, his FRONT!
According to Wikipedia, some anthropologists view the eradication of the mutilation of female genitalia as “cultural imperialism.”
Are they out of their minds?