Posted by on Sep 6, 2019 | 16 comments








YES, YES, papa is up and walking and being VERY careful not to bend or lean forward, so he practices his Bunny Dip every day if he wishes to pick up something off the floor.  Like me, for  instance…haha, just kidding.  No pick-ups yet…

He is waiting for a nurse to come stick him, but I could do it just as well.

Mama would prefer that he call her, but he’s getting pretty good at the dip…wonder if Mr Heffner (whoever he is) needs a new waiter, haha!

Wait a minute.  Mama just got 9 reasons to have a Tuxie from Mary McNeil, and since we are kitties who think a lot, I’m wondering why it isn’t called the Kitty Dip.  I mean, have you EVER seen a bunny dip? Dip into what?  Dipsy, maybe, but not dipping!

I am so, so glad papa is here, and if I’m not mistaken, I think he’s taller than when he left…wow!

More of him to cuddle ME.


Are you ready for me to start my Nurse Loulou regime?

(Now where did I put that injection, and which end do I stick with?)

Hey, we Tuxies are SMART. We went  to  this school. too.








(This wonderful image is thanks to Dan McCormick, and who knows where he got it, but thank that person, too.)