Posted by on Oct 28, 2020 | 6 comments








That strawberry fruit hit me right on  the noggin!

Well, no, not exactly the musical jam kind, but mama has been busy making confiture out of those “strawberries” on our arbousier (strawberry tree, mentioned a few days ago because of the big MESS it makes).










The thing is, it is so beautiful to look at, even if, while I am comfortably lounging on the patio, minding my own busiess, I sometimes get bonked by one of the falling fruit because a busy bee is polinating the flowers and knocks off a  strawberry right onto my head!  So rude.

But the fruit is so beautiful against the green leaves, a wonderful holiday tree, if you like green and red.








Hey, I just figured out that there may be birdies up there just a-peckin’ away at that fruit.

Bees don’t eat strawberry fruit, duh.

I just wish that tree wouldn’t aim at ME!  Maybe it was the birdie.  He/she is in there  somewhere, maybe taking revenge…

But I don’t even hunt birdies.   Frankly, they bore me to tears.

Unless they are singing…la la la…er…tweet, tweet, tweet.