Posted by on Sep 16, 2020 | 15 comments










A young baker just having made mama’s focaccia.

Well, actually, we in our little ville do not have great figs this year, but my aunty Barbara and uncle Dan in Sonoma, California, have beautiful fruit of all kinds, and figs are the stars.

Not sure my aunty ate the figs with pepperoncini, haha,








Figs on focaccia (!), figs and ham, figs on toast,  figs in sauces, fig preserves, so many figging things to do!  Hmm…maybe a nice fig whip with cream.  I’ll push for that one…

Mama’s grandmama had lovely fig trees in her small garden and mama remembers the fig preserves in syrup that she stored in the cellar for a sweet treat in winter.

Mama would take the stem of the fig right out of the jar and eat it like candy!

Aren’t grandmama’s wonderful?

Except for the sweaters, that is.







PUT THAT SWEATER AWAY RIGHT NOW! I’m sending it to my Peterbald friend in Russia…